In previous posts, we have considered two ways to describe the essence of human identity. These are ways to answer the questions: Who am I? How am I called to be and live in this world? I think, therefore I am. Or you are what you think. I believe, therefore am. Or you are what…
I Believe Therefore I Am
Who am I? How am I going to be in this world? The first question is about human identity. The answer to the question offers a picture of personhood, a narrative of something that is basic and true for every human being. The second question is about human flourishing. We don’t just go around being,…
I Think Therefore I Am
Or…You Are What You Think In my previous blog I stated that one of the most foundational gifts our Christian faith offers us is a picture of personhood, a narrative of something that is true about every human being. This is a quest that has been going on for some time. As early as Plato,…
How Are You Today…And Why?
Bill Hendricks was my theology professor in seminary. His teaching and his presence opened me up to a way of thinking about and experiencing God that was not only beyond what I knew; it was also beyond what I had ever imagined. Bill eventually became a mentor and a friend, but in those early days,…
The Life of the Party
When I was growing up, we were faithful members of the Southern Baptist Church. Every Sunday morning and evening, we were there for worship. Hymns. Scripture reading. Announcements. Choir Anthem (It was called “Special Music;” I’m not sure why). All of those set the stage for the sermon. I can picture my family sitting together…
“Teacher, which commandment in the Law is the greatest?” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind.” Matthew 22: 36-37 Heart. Soul. Mind. These words speak of something important. After all, they speak of the ways we go about our relationship with God. When…
Singing Mountains and Clapping Trees
These words are reflections on a passage of scripture. They are not an exposition or a study to find the meaning and the truth of the words so we can apply them to our lives. Instead, this is an exercise in imagination. We often do not give imagination a fair shake. Some think that what…
Thoughts on Parker Palmer’s A Hidden Wholeness
Gathering in circles, it seems, is part of being in a group or community. The group may be a meeting of business executives or a gathering of small children around a teacher; it may be family reunion or a therapy group. It might be a community of monks, or a community called church. No matter…
Watch Your Mouth
A Sermon Based on James 1:17-27 and Ephesians 4:29-5:1 This past Sunday I had the opportunity to preach at First Christian Church of Norman Oklahoma. This is the community where I served for over 16 years as Minister of Discipleship, leading a variety of groups, classes, workshops, and seminars. It was good to be there…
What Are You Looking For? Come and See
The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking for?” …